In my Diploma in Basic Rular Technology in the electrical section learning what is rain gauge and I make it.

Also, Read my blog here 👇👇

so, I make a simple rain gauge.

After the section is complete join Fablab for internship. In the lab meet Suyog sir. he gets an Idea to make a digital rain gauge.

Rain gauge formula:

How much water (ml)

__________________________ X 10

Area Of funnel

In the formula, we discuss how it makes.

Calculate water use sensor —————-> calculate by formula —————> how much rainfall in the area


So I make a simple structure tipping bucket and I get a trial of how properly make the structure.

first, get a tipping bucket from the internet and 3d print this model.

Make a trial structure using the laser cutter.

Make a counter electronic circuit with the help of Suyog sir. At that time I didn’t know about sensors, ICs, and electronic components, they were taught by Suyog Sir. get multiple trials after we make the counter circuit

Make the final structure for the rain gauge using the laser cutter. I use acrylic material for waterproofing.

After assembly gets a trial with the circuit.

So, after the trial make the final structure. I set the structure in the bottle and fix using cement.

And, electronic circuit assembly in the plastic box.

we help of friend install a rain gauge.

I get Some problem in project.


  • The tipping bucket is not properly movable.
  • Circuit loose connection.
  • Tipping alignment is not proper.

Read Blog 👇👇