Author: Prasad Aradhye

generate biogas

 AIM TO SEE AND GENERATE BIOGAS Requirements:  biogas generator cow dung ,  water  Procedure: 1. Collect cow dung and  weight on spring  gauge 2.  get the water has to be added exactly the same as of cow dung...

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to crank up a disele engine

AIM ; to crank up a diesel engine REQUIOREMENTS : a diesel engine , a crank , diesel, oil PROCEDURE : 1) to start the diesel engine first check if there is diesel or not if not then fill it up 2) then check and if not then fill...

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AIM ; to make a rainwater measurement tool / rain gauge REQUIREMENT: bottle , cutter , tape PROCEDURE : 1) first get the bottle of flat bottom 2) cut the bottle in half and cut its neck region 3) up turn the neck of the bottle...

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to9 measure the thickness of the wire

AIM : to determine the gauge of the wire / to determine the thickness of wire REQUIREMENYTS : a gauge meter , wire whose thickness has to be determined PROCEDURE : 1) take the wire to be measured then take one strand of that...

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to remove insulation from a wire

AIM : to remove the insulation from the wire REQUIREMNTS : A piece of wire , wire stripper, PROCEDURE : 10 take the wire strip[per and cut around the insulation 2) make sure that you don’t cut through the copper wire...

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