1)Be fore Sure Fuse sign carrying out any mel repair weake that now swich is off and the is removed and a work in progre should be placed near the Fuse.

2) Use rubber gloves and rubber slippens. Dubber beats while doing electrical wort power enviroment department.

3/ Ensure proper earthing of equipment and electrical board in power enviroment department

4 If there is in the use fire due to short cinc electrical section de nat water be used soil and sial should

5) & Anly Fuse fure should be used in fuse .

6)The testor should only be used to cheak whe thin pot as a cursent is Flowing scu-driven

7 While propos wenting electrical be used en electricity with insulation should .

8)Do not touch openson suftening fon electric shock.

9) werk area befos and should be cleaned often use.

10) Appropritic be its set antipyretic should available in use cheaked by the depart ment date should be

11). first aid kit should be wed Matter in jury.

a)Shedder method. → Make the victim lie on his storsach one of his band should be raised up ward kept one band on the other hand and bend the other hand from the chase.

Keep the face facing outward’s on the hand to such a way that affected person can breath easily through the nose and Mouth

b] Sylvester method. Make the victim lie on his back first of all lecsen the Clothe arsund his chest and stomach.

If he is worting false teeth remove there place a pillow under hit shoulder so that his cheat rises up and his head bend backward.

Eledrical fire. the main cause of fire are as.

1) Using wrong size fuse wire


3) Bod or Losse jalats

4 Presence of inflemonable material near the fuse hoorde

Precaution to be taken during electrical Live.

1 lum the main switch off

2] Try extinguish the fire by pouwing sand over it’s.

3)Before using a fire extingusher Hake surve that it is not out dated and is of carbon dioxide type..

The following safly rule should be followed as pex Indian standard.

1)Always PUC rural technology. or wooden table for repair work

2). Connect any equipient or device only in the pressence a Superviser.

What is the difference between wire and cable ?

A Wine a single conductor Aypically made aluminum signal used to A cable hond is bundled insulation a of copper carny eletrical the atter of wires grisup toge then ofter with and protective covering to transmit electrical signal longer distance.

Types of wire

1) Solid Wire : A single solid conductor.

2) Stranded wine conductor twisted.

A group of thin. Hoge ther

3) Flexible Thene group in the wire conductor ane thinen wine of group in the wire

Armored Wire Armened wire also Known as amiche cable is a type of eletnical wise the hasa mode a protective coverings, yf follo on plastic to Shield The against it from external dapaze orner tection provide prot

1. Mechanical damage leg cut abnasica

2) Environmental factor leg moisture (hemicals)

3) Electromagenetic interference (EMI)

Unarmored Wire Unarmored wire also non-anmored cable is electrical wire Known as a type of that does not have protective covering It is moresusceptible to damage from external factor such.

  1. mechnical strer ( eg bending stretching)
  2. Environmental factors ( eg moisture temperature)
  3. Electromagnetic interference (EMI)

AC Single phase

phase wire- Red colour

neutral wire Black colour

Earthing wire Green colour

AC Three phase

Phase wire -yellow and Red, blue

neutral wire – Black colous

Earthing wire Green colour

DC Two wire system

Positive wire – Red colour

Neutral wire -Black colour

DC three wire system

positive wire colour – Red colour

negative wine colour – Blue

colour neutral wine – Black colour.

There are to types of gas stove

Rocket gas stove

A rocket stove is an efficient and hot burning stove using small-diameter wood fuel.

Fuel is burned in a simple combustion chamber containing an insulated vertical chimney, which ensures almost complete combustion prior to the flames reaching the cooking surface.

Electric gas stove

The top benefits of an electric stove include: Electric heats more efficiently than gas does, meaning the kitchen will stay cooler when the stove is on.

Electric stoves offer more consistency in temperature, which usually allows for more even cooking.

Both gas and electric ranges have advantages, depending on what and how you cook. 

Gas ranges offer more responsive heat control for switching between searing meats or stir-frying veggies, while the dry, even heat of electric range ovens may work better for certain baked goods.

 The principle of this method is to heat the metal with a flame or other heat source until it melts into a liquid state, then join the two surfaces together when they are hot enough to bond without the use of adhesives or glues.

The solder is melted and applied to the wires, and then cools to create a strong electrical or mechanical bond. 

Method of Soldering..

With an electric soldering iron.

By mean of a creek.

With Paali the help of kadhai and Solder is melted in a Pan with the help of blow amp stove electric grate on health.

The part int to be soldered is cleaned by lightly rubbing it with polishing paper.

Apply Flux it The layer of dist solder nested Moved.

The in the pan Soldering is solden paste dane by pouring aven The joints.

This method is Cable joint used for solding and lugs.

When the electrons move from the cathode to the anode, they increase the chemical potential energy, thus charging the battery; when they move the other direction, they convert this chemical potential energy to electricity in the circuit and discharge the battery.

Invention of battery

Prinary The batteny was First invented by Alessandro Volta in 1800.

In t due There are two types of batteries.

Secondary cell

Painary cell

In that cell current is generated due to chemical reaction.

Different types of powers banks

Different types of powers banks

9- volt – Multimeter

. AA – Clock

Devices that require the same voltage, but have a higher current draw, are often designed to use larger batteries such as the AA battery type.

AAA Remote

AAA batteries are most often used in small electronic devices, such as TV remote controls, MP3 players and digital cameras.

D- torch Cone

Dry cell composition

Outer shell zinc has a charge negative

Thene the is perous paper inside which kay materal spainted.

Carbon red graphite in the middle land the sides

Amrani chloride + zine chloride

A little stretch is added to it which makes Come the paste thin and does not out

Use – in watch torch radio tape necorder.

A dry cell uses a paste electrolyte, with only enough moisture to allow current to flow.

A galvanic cell is an electrochemical cell that uses electrical energy generated by spontaneous redox reactions.

lead acid battery

lead acid widely used batteries battenies are the most

It was invented in 1859 A physicist Gaston Plante by French

This is the oldest battery among recharge able batteries

A lead-acid one Series or more battery consists of cell connected in For example a 6 cell in series 12 volt battery has Each cell is made positive and negative up of two plates

Battery maintenance

It is important that the level is regular in this battery Due to its emission due to cherical process in endes to maintain that level negularly distilled water available. Bo Heng Cane

1] As the battery contains liquid it should always be kept upright.

2)In is better the to change and discharg battony regularly.

3) Each cell of the be battery should not discharged bellow 1. 15 volt and should not be over change.

5) A hydrometer should be used to Measure -lyte the density of the electro a lead acid battery. in

6) The battery should always be kept in a that the easily well ventitaled place su escaping goes can ecape.

what is a Wire Guage?

Wire Guage is measurment of wire diametre, This helps determine the amount of electricity the wire can carry, guage of a wire determines wire thickness. Each guage is represented by a number.

To perform this practicle we need:- Wire, Wire Guage.

  1. First take a wire, remove its insulation
  2. Take the Wire, and insert it in the wire guage
  3. If the wire fits perfectly then that should be the guage.

Eg:- 1/ 32= one wire 32mm

20/34 = 20 wire 34mm

How do greywater recycling systems work? During the recycling process, greywater from showers, baths and basins is piped directly into a surge tank.

The water is held in this tank briefly before being discharged to a treatment or irrigation system by using a pump, or by using a gravitational system.

Motive:- Checking Batteries Gravity, Learning how do Battery Maintainence

Instruments:- Battery,Hydrometre,Coin

Steps:- 1) Firstly check Batteries level.

2) The Battery which has less level add water in that.

3) A battery has 6 cells and contains 12 Watt Battery

4) Within these 6 cells,remove the cap of one cell, and with the help of the Hydrometre measure the density of the battery

Who invented Battery?

In the year 1800s a Scientist named Volta invented the first Battery.

Battery Types:-

  1. Dry cell:- used in torch, Tape recorder, clock.
  2. Rechargeable batteries:- used in Mobile phones
  3. Lithium ion Batteries
  4. Lead acid

Functions of different cannabis:-

1. Cylinder + Piston – Combustion Locking. / Building pressure.

2. Valve – gas inflow – out control.

3. Pump nozzle – fuel spray

4. Wheel – storing kinetic energy

5. Starter Lever – Preventing compression to build up at the start.

6. Inlet valve – pulling air in.

What is Biogas?

Biogas is Renewable Feul produced by breakdown of organic matter such as food scraps and animal waste.

What sort of Waste can be used to produced Biogas?

A wide variertyof waste material breaks down into biogas, including animal manure, muncipal rubbish or waste, plant material, food waste or sewage

What can be uses be of biogas?

As a replacement of natural gas- if Biogas is cleaned up and upgraged to natural gas standard, its then known as Biomethane and can be used similar way to methane, this can include cooking and heating.

Whether the blades aren’t spinning or the fan is making tons of noise, most issues with an electric fan are caused by poor lubrication or blockages in the vents. 

Here’s a comprehensive guide to repairing a fan: Troubleshooting Before you start repairing, identify the problem:

1. Fan not turning on: Check power cord, plug, and circuit breaker.

2. Fan turning slowly: Check for dust accumulation, worn-out bearings, or loose screws.

3. Fan making noise: Check for loose screws, worn-out bearings, or unbalanced blades.

Tools needed – Screwdriver (flathead and Phillips) – Pliers – Wire cutters and strippers – Lubricant (e.g., WD-40 or silicone spray) – Replacement parts (if necessary)

Regularly clean your fan to prevent dust accumulation.

Lubricate moving parts to reduce wear and tear.

Consider replacing your fan if it’s old or damaged beyond repair.

By following these steps, you should be able to repair your fan and get it working efficiently again.