Practical Of Bio Gas
Making Of Bio Gas
Collecting Material required for making bio gas. Such as : Cow Dunk, Water & Bucket.
Took 4.4 Kg of Cow Dunk And 4.4 Kg of Water.
Process; Put Dunk in the inlet mixer and put water too . Then Put water in same quantity and mix it. Then put it in the inlet pipe.
What I have Learnt; ( How Bio Gas is Greathearted ) Due to mixture of Dunk & Water Micro Organisms Grow in the Tank . Then Because of growth f micro organisms Bio Gas is generated.
Required Material; Tank (Deep Hole),Dunk,Water,inlet and outlet pipes Mattel tank for gas, Mixer extra Water remover.,

Filling Switch Board
Serial Filling; In This method We use just one button for oppreating multiple thing
( i.g Lights)

Color Code ; Red= Phase /live ( From this wire current come )
Black= nu trial ( This wire helps to completing circuit )
Green= ( This wire is used for earthing )
Connecting Wires to the switch. As per the color
Red is putted in Phase section
Black is putted Nu trial section
Green is putted in earthing section

Practical of Connecting wires together (Wire Joints)

Types of Joint;
T Joint; In this joint we connect a new wire in a wire fro between. i.e Taking a new connection for new earthing connecting from old one.

Soldering Joint; In this we have to solder the joint
Double cross tap joint
Duplex_cross tap joint
Plain tap Joint
Scarfed joint
Britania Joint
Rat Tail Joint

Checking Voltage
We Checked voltage of many areas in ashram and found some problems in boards then we solved it.

Types Of Meters
Volt meter
Oham Meter
Multi meter
Energy Meter

Earthing Practical
Material Required; Salt, Charcoal, Water, Earthing Plate, Earthing Nut & Bolt, Brick Hoe , Digging Bar, Earthing Strip, Earthing power & EARTHING WIRE
Process ; Digg a hole nearly 2 Ft/ 60 cm /0.6 m deep.
Connect wire to the plate and strip by using nut bolt. Put the plate in the hole Cover it by Pisces of bricks,Salt , Earthing power, Charcoal & water.Then cover the hole by soil again. And Connect the wire in the board.

Practical of Motor Repairing
Fitting L Shape pipe to the motor And checking why water is not coming

Fitting Fan Practical
Fitted a fan in new lab
Problem faced ; Screw was not fitting in the hole

Practical of Board Fitting
Fitted a board in work shop for bhushan sir
Fittied A Switch board

Practical of Battery
Checked Charge of Battery by using Hydrometer
Process ; Open Caps of battery
Put hydrometer and pump it and then check The level of water and then put it to the charge

Putting Capacitor to the leath machine

Removed old one and putted a new one
problem faced ; New capacitor was big in size from the older one so it was not fitting in the port.

Repairing Sealing machine of food lab
Seeing Problem have been occurred to the machine
Problem Was that the button which is turned on when we press it was not functioning because the tension of spring used have been gone.
Told to have a new one

Practical Of Solar Cooker
Material used; All required for making a rice , Coocker, Solar coocker
Process done ; Kept the cooker for fodni and added all the masalas And kept the cooker on the solar cooker
Tooked temp of cooker panels and weather
reaped after some time and same while taking the cooker off and heaved it.

Practical Of Repairing home appliances.

For teaching us how to repair home appliances an sir was came.
We repaired an a washing machine, Color, Fan’s, and there cleaning.

In washing machine first found the works of each wires. Which color gives which type of supply.
Finding circuits of its. Checking if circuits are complete or not. Touching test lamp wire to motor to check if wire are broken or not.
Checking fans workings and its motor if its burnt or not.

Repairer an stand fan finding its materials ( washer) to remove play in it

Cleaning of water filter of ashram
one in kitchen and one in dream house.
Cleaning water tank of dream house.

Plain Table Practical.
In this we removed area of our ground
Took a tripod fixed it attached an plane table on top of it.