01:- Measurement of land / Units
Aim:– To know how to measure plots
Requirement :- Measuring tape
Procedure:- Take a measurement tape and measure all side with it.
First we have to measure length and breadth of plot. Then can get the result by FORMULA (L x B).
10 mm= 1 cm
2.5 cm = 1 inch
30 cm = 1 feet
12 inch = 30 cm
3.3 feet = 1 meter
1 meter = 100 cm
1 meter = 1000 mm
33 x 33 feet = 1 guntha (1089 Sq feet)
1 guntha = 100 Sq meter
40 guntha = 1 ackar
25 ackar= 100 guntha
Observation:- We should properly measure the plot or the given area.