Author: Pawan Channe

yeast making

Yeast is a single-cell organism, and its called Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast is a type of fungus, and its useful to human beings but few are dangerous also. how does yeast works? Fermentation process: Yeast eats the sugar...

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Types of chikki (PEANUTS CHIKKI) (MORINGA CHIKKI) (SEASMUM CHIKKI) (TIL CHIKKI) And many types of chikki are there, today i learned how to prepare peanuts chikki Ingredients: peanuts, jaggery, oil and etc procedure: First of all...

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गाईचे वजन काढणे

उद्देश – शरीराच्या मापानवरून वजन काडणे सामग्री – मीटरटेप ,पशू, paper pen प्रक्रिया-1. पशूच्या डोक्यापासून ते माकड हाड पर्यन्त लांबी व त्याच्या छातीच्या घेऱ्याचे माप काडावे . 2. पशुचे वजन काडण्याच्या दोन पध्दत वजन=लांबी*छातीचा...

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HYDROPONICs Hydroponics is a type of horticulture and a subset of hydro culture which involves growing plants usually crops without soil, by using mineral nutrients solutions in an aqueous solvent. Hydroponics requirements unit...

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