Yeast is a single-cell organism, and its called Saccharomyces cerevisiae

yeast is a type of fungus, and its useful to human beings but few are dangerous also.

how does yeast works?

Fermentation process: Yeast eats the sugar from the maida and they grow throw budding process as like amoeba the single cells divided into many tiny parts and releases CO2 gas and alcohol hence the maida become sponchi and soft, even in making wine uses yeast!

observation after 7 days

Ingredients for yeast making

  • Water 0.5 litter
  • 20gm jaggery
  • 4-5 drops honey
  • Yeast 20gm


I took 500ml water and boiled it till 40 degree Celsius.

put warm water in a bottle and then I add jagerry, honey.

After all those things lastly I add yeast.