BUILDING  FARM :– The farm should be built in a proper manner .

                               Points to be noted while building it 

                              1 :- The direction should be east to west or north to south.

                              2 :- The height of the farm should be 12 feet .

                              3 :- The length of the farm should be 200 feet .

                              4 :- The breath should of the farm should be 30 feet .

                              5 :- The flow of wind should be considered while building it .

                              6 :- The farm should be in a shape of A .

                              7 :- Space for one bird should be at least 2 square feet .

BRUDING           :- The temperature should be maintained in a same manner .

                               The birds should not feel too hot or they will stay at the ends of the 


                               If they feel cold they will scatter up together which may cause their

                               health issues.

                              If the temperature is medium then will keep distance in them and will

                              Fell comfortable

BREEDS            :-  BROILERS :-

                                                      1:- VENKI

                                                      2:- SUNGROW

                                                     THIS BREEDS ARE USED FOR EATING PURPOSE

                            LAYERS     :-

                                                    1:- BU-300

                                                    2:- HYLINE

                                                    THIS CHICKENS ARE USED FOR EGG PURPOSE

DISEASES        :-  MOREKS :-  It is a highly contagious viral diseases

                              RANIKHET :-  It is a highly contagious viral diseases