Author: Omkar Wagh

counting cows teeth

Vector Illustration of a Bull With Teeth Clean cartoon Motive:- Counting cows teeth helps in figuring our cattles age Bifercation of cows teeth:- IncisorsPremolars Molars Cow’s teeth:- Milk teeth:- 1) Cattles first develop...

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calculating cow’s weight

Motive:- calculating cow’s weight, so as to decide their fodder Benefits of calculating a cow’s weight:- Helps in knowing exact worth (price) of our cattle.Helps decide quantity of fodder for our cattle. Formulae to...

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agriculture project: Hydrophonics

What is Hydrophonics? Hydrophonics, also known as Aquaculture,Nutriculture and Soiless culture, basically is the process of growing plants in Sands,Gravel,or Liquid, with added nutrients but without soil How does Hydrophonics...

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What is meant by Dehydration? Dehydration means lack of water in body completely.It is necessary for our body to consume certain fluids on more than daily basis. Why does Dehydration happens? Dehydration is caused by not...

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Blood Group

Who found Blood Group? A Austrian Scientist called Karl Landstiener at University of Vienna, discovered 3 human blood groups, namely:- A, B, O blood groups, He was awarded with Nobel prize for this discovery in 1930. Karl...

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