Author: Prasad Aradhye

electricity bill

AIM: Take out electricity bill  Requirement:  electricity bill  Procedure: 1. get the units of electricity consumed with the formula of  number of appliances*  wattage of 1 appliance* total appliances*...

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dumpy leve

AIM: Check and note down the control lights using dumpy level  Requirements:  dumpy level setup, area to be controlled  Procedure: 1.  fix the tripod on a surface 2.  secondly Mount telescope on the...

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smokeless chulla

AIM: to make and learn the smokeless chulla REQUIREMENTS : smokeless chulla PROCEDURE 1. analyse the smokeless chulla and get its info from your i8nstructor info: the smokeless chulla burs the wood with ample of oxygen and there...

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battery water level with a hydrometer

AIM: to check the battery water level with a hydrometer REQUITREMENTS : `battery , distilled water, hydrometer PPROCEDURE : 1. open the battery with the screws on the top 2. put the hydrometer into the water section 3. and then...

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AIM: earthing

AIM: too do earthing REQUIREMENTS : copper plate 15*15 cm , gi rod , screws , wire of appropriate gauge , salt , coal , bricks PROCEDURE : 1. first check all the earthing of the house by probing the phase and the earthing and...

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