Practical experience:-
Leaf names Observations
- Peru leaf Black spots, Orange dots
- Tomato leaf Weak, curly twirled, White lines
- Moringa leaf Holes
- Brinjal Holes
- Mango Browning
Contagious Diseases
- Wooly Whitefly:– Woolly Whiteflies are small, flying insects resembling small white winged moths with yellowish-white abdomen and a light dusting powder. The immature stages (nymphs) are flattened

2. Thrib Insect:- Thrips are minute, slender insects, fringed winged and unique mouthparts. Different Thribs species feed mostly on plants by puncturing and sucking up contents inside the leaf

Dieback:- Dieback, a common symptom or name of disease, especially of wood plants, characterised by progressive death of twigs,branches,shoots or roots, starting at the tips