Vector Illustration of a Bull With Teeth Clean cartoon

Motive:- Counting cows teeth helps in figuring our cattles age

Bifercation of cows teeth:-

  1. Incisors
  2. Premolars
  3. Molars

Cow’s teeth:-

Milk teeth:-

1) Cattles first develop 20 teeth, also known as decidous, milk or baby teeth.

2) MIlk teeth stay till 15th or 18th month of the cattle

3) Permanent teeth in cattle are 32

4) Till 2 to 2.5 years Incisor teeth develop twice

5) Catlle develop 8 permanent incisors till 5-6 years of ther age.

6) After 12 years of age detiriorating state of cattles teeth lets us know the age easily.