Drumstick leaves are packed with calciumproteinbeta caroteneironVitamin C and more. Leaves are small, ovate to obovate, tear-drop shaped with leaflets about 1 to 2 cm long and 0.5 to 1 cm wide. Leaflets are feathery, vibrant green, smooth, thick and firm usually in tripinnate structure. Drumstick leaves possess slightly bitter flavor having grass like undertone and often with horseradish like heat. While cooking, it releases distinct grassy like aroma.

Medicinal Benefits and Uses

  •  drumstick leaves nutritional information के लिए इमेज परिणाम
  • Rub drumstick leaves on the temples to get relief from headaches.
  • Apply the leaves to wounds or insect bites as it possess antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • The poultice of drumstick leaves is useful to halt bleeding from grazes and small cuts.
  • Dried leaves or drumstick leaf tea effectively treats gastric ulcers and diarrhea.
  • Use the leaves for treating fevers, bronchitis, eye or ear infections and painful mucus membrane inflammation.
  • It also acts as antiseptic for skin and also treats anxiety.
  • The mixture of carrot and drumstick leaves juice is used as a cure for gonorrhea.
  • Leaves are used to treat eye ailments.
  • It is also helpful in treating hair loss and lower dandruff.
  • Leaves have high content of iron that promotes red blood cells and prevents anemia.
  • It also heals minor cuts, burns and bruises.
  • The leaf paste has the capability of curing acne due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory Properties.

    Health Benefits of Drumstick leaves

    Here let’s discover the health benefits in detail:-

    1. Lower blood sugar leaves

    High blood sugar has become a common problem nowadays associated to increasing the chances of diabetes. Today’s lifestyle is responsible for insulin sensitivity caused by high blood sugar. The studies show that drumstick leaves effectively lowers the level of blood sugar. Study was conducted on 30 women with intake of 7 grams of drumstick leaf powder daily for three months.  The result shows the reduction of blood sugar levels by 13.5%. Other study carried out in 6 diabetic patients shows that addition of 50 grams of leaves to the meal lowered the increase in blood sugar by 21%. The effects are due to the presence of isothiocyanates in drumstick leaves.

    1. Healthy pregnancy

    Drumstick leaves are helpful for pregnant as well as lactating women. It helps to overcome the symptoms of pregnancy such as dizziness and vomiting. It eases the complication during pregnancy. The regular intake of drumstick leaves powder promotes milk production.

    1. Helpful for men

    Drumstick leaves are loaded with antioxidants that assist to combat oxidative stress. It ensures proper flow of blood and supports overall sexual function.

    1. Weight Loss

    High content of fiber in drumstick leaves assist to absorb more water and halt extra consumption by making one feel full. The chlorogenic acid supports weight loss by normalizing blood sugar and burning fats. It offers nutrients with low calories supporting those who want to weight. Use it in form of soup to support weight loss regime.

    1. High Blood Pressure

    Drumstick leaves effectively lowers blood pressure responsible for stroke, heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke and kidney disease. The leaves also contain ample calciummagnesiumpotassiumzinc and Vitamin E required for person with high blood pressure. Moreover, Vitamin C assists production of nitric oxide which is a crucial element for healthy functioning of blood vessels. It also normalizes the pressure on blood vessels.

    1. Healthy hair

    BiotinVitamin B6 and folic acid with Vitamin E is crucial to prevent hair loss and promote the blood circulation to the hair follicles. The high content of Vitamin E, Vitamin A and B vitamins along with minerals such as silica and zinc stimulating natural growth of hair and preventing dandruff as well as hair loss. It maintains shiny and healthy hair by treating brittleness and dryness.

    Side Effects

    • As drumstick leaves possess laxative properties, it upsets stomach, cause heart burn and diarrhea.
    • Its excessive intake causes nausea so consume it in moderate amounts.


    I Got the reference from Mrs. Reshma Hawaldar Miss. It was great Experience to me understand all nutritional value of Drumstick Powder.