12)  Load calculation
Aim :- to calculate the electric bill by the load in house
Requirement :- notepad , pen , machines etc.
Procedure:- first get on information about the electrical bill and how to calculate it ,then we calculate the average of each machine time it works in day ,then we divided 1000 by
Multiplying watt into time .by this we found a unit for one day. To take unit for multiplying
watt into time .in light bill unit cost is like eg.1000 watt machine works then it shows one
Observation:- 1Hp= 746 per unit
              0-10 unit = 3 ruppee per unit
            101-300 unit= 6.73 ruppee
             301-500 unit = 9.70 ruppee
             501-1000 unit = 11.20 ruppee
If the unit will be more then 1000 for eamaple one laptop works for 8 hours then the unit wil be count as
Formula = Watt X time    =  65 X 8 =   520 
                     1000                  1000      1000
         For 8 hours laptop working unit will be 0.52 then for a month = 0.52 X 30 = 15.6
The bill for month will be 0.100 unit that cost 3 ruppee