AiM: to make peanut chikki

Requirements: Jaggery, sugar, peanuts, gas, vessel, rolling pin, cutter, pizza cutter

Procedure: 1. First, roast the 200gm peanuts to a crisp in a vessel for 10 min mostly

2. Crush the peanuts after roasting them with a plate and a bowel

3. remove the shell of the peanuts by blowing it away

4. once the peanuts are cleaned and de-shelled

5. start the stove on medium flame and put the 200gm  jaggery into it

6. start heating the jaggery in the vessel

`7. Start heating and try to displace the entire jaggery over the vessel

8. the jaggery should not form a ball but rather should get displaced

9. heat the jaggery till the brown color comes

Note: put some quantity of  the gool into a  bowl of water if it hardens then it is ok or heat it more
