A soil test can determine fertility, or the expected growth potential of the soil which indicates nutrient deficiencies, potential toxicities from excessive fertility and inhibitions from the presence of non-essential trace minerals. The test is used to mimic the function of roots to assimilate minerals.

In this test a paste is made using soil and water and then the liquid portion (the extract) is separated from the solid portion for pH, soluble salt, and nutrient analysis. Special skills and laboratory equipment are required to perform this test

Soils are generally sampled by driving a sampling tube into the soil, usually to 10cm depth, and extracting a soil core. To obtain a representative sample, soil cores are combined from a large number of places within the sample area.

Soils are generally sampled by driving a sampling tube into the soil, usually to 10cm depth, and extracting a soil core. To obtain a representative sample, soil cores are combined from a large number of places within the sample area.