Author: Prasad Aradhye

Kinetic sculptor

Intro: the project that sits between mechanical complexity and artistic marvel is a kinetic sculptor Like David C. Roy said “ A  kinetic sculptor is said to be successful if after its completion you would just want to stare...

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excreatory systeme

The excretory system removes unnecessary materials from the body fluids of an organism, to help maintain internal chemical homeostasis and prevent damage to the body. Kidneys removes the excess nitrogen anfd other waste out of...

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peanut chikki

AiM: to make peanut chikki Requirements: Jaggery, sugar, peanuts, gas, vessel, rolling pin, cutter, pizza cutter Procedure: 1. First, roast the 200gm peanuts to a crisp in a vessel for 10 min mostly 2. Crush the peanuts after...

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