Personal hygiene is how you care for your body. This practice includes bathing, washing your hands, brushing your teeth, and more. … They can linger on your body, and in some cases, they may make you sick. Personal hygiene practices can help you and the people around you prevent illnesses. Good personal hygiene is one of the best ways to protect yourself from getting gastro or infectious diseases such as COVID-19, colds and flu. Washing your hands with soap removes germs that can make you ill. Maintaining good personal hygiene will also help prevent you from spreading diseases to other people.

  1. care of teeth
  1. Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
  2. Floss regularly.
  3. Visit your dentist routinely for a checkup and cleaning. Tell the dentist about any medical conditions you have and medications you take.
  4. Eat a well-balanced diet.
  5. Quit smoking. Smoking increases your risk for gum disease.

2. Cleaning of tongue

Stick out your tongue as far as it will reach. Position your toothbrush at the back of the tongue. Brush lightly forward and backward along your tongue. Spit out saliva that appears during the brushing and rinse out the toothbrush with warm water. Clean your tongue as often as you brush your teeth.

Why cleaning tongue necessary?

While most of those bacteria are the “good kind” that foster a healthy environment in your mouth, other kinds can cause bad breath, tooth decay and gum infections. So, cleaning your tongue is important to keep that bad bacteria, as well as food debris and dead cells that may accumulate there, from causing trouble

3. care of Ear

  1. Ask your doctor to remove the wax in their office.
  2. Clean the outside of your ear with a damp cloth.
  3. If you choose to use cotton swabs, don’t insert them into the ear canal.
  4. You can use earwax softener to soften earwax for easier removal.
  5. You can use a syringe to irrigate your ears.

How do you keep your ears clean and healthy?

To keep ears clean and healthy, wash the visible part of the ear and behind the ear using a little soap, then wipe the soap away with rinsed fingers and dry with a thin towel. Don’t immerse your ears in bath water as body bacteria may enter your ear canal and could cause an infection.

4. Care of Eyes

1.Wash the eyes with clean water then rinse for 6-8 times

2. Dry it with soft clean cloth or towel

3. Avoid watching t.v for too long and form very close distance .

4.Do not work continuously on the computer .

5. Do not put kajal into eyes .

6. Regular eyes check up to be Practiced..

5. Care of Nose

1.Avoid putting any object/ Finger into the nose.

2.Used soft cloth or tissue paper to clean the nostrils.

3. Blow the nose on tissue paper or handkerchief.

6.Care of hair

  1. Wash Your Hair Regularly. Washing your hair regularly ensures that your scalp and hair is free of dirt and excess oil. …
  2. Use Chemical Free Shampoos. …
  3. Condition Correctly. …
  4. Dry Your Hair Naturally. …
  5. Oil Your Hair Properly. …
  6. Use A Wide-toothed Comb. …
  7. Style Your Hair Naturally. …
  8. Trim Your Hair Regularly.

B] Personal hygiene of food handlers

  1. Bath should be taken daily
  2. Practice good, frequent hand washing with soap and water .
  3. Wear clean cloths with apron.
  4. Always wear head cap
  5. keep nails clean and short.
  6. Avoid touching face , nose or mouth while preparing food.
  7. Avoid coughing or sneezing around food .cover mouth and nose with clean handkerchief while coughing and sneezing

C] Food hygiene

Food hygiene is the preservation and preparation of foods in a manner that ensures the food is safe for human consumption. … Food hygiene is the process of properly chilling, cooking, cleaning food and avoiding cross-contamination to prevent the spread of bacteria in food. It is useful for preventing food poisoning

Why is food hygiene important?

Food safety and food hygiene are important as they ensure that the food you handle and produce is safe for consumption. If food safety and hygiene are not maintained, consumers could become seriously ill with food poisoning and food-borne illnesses.

d] cooking of food