Aim ; to make pav using electric oven

Requirements: Maida , yeast powder , bread imporver , butter , oil , salt , sugar

Pocedure :

  1. Take 2kg of maida seiw int uusing a seiwe
  2. Now take  77gm , 5gm of bread impover , 15ml oil , 35gm salt some sugar ,
  3. Now mix in the kitchen atta mixer the yeast and water and sugar t start the process
  4. Then add the maid a into it
  5. Add water gradually till it becomes like a dougnh
  6. Then add some oil from sides to prevent stivckinhg from the sides
  7. Then remove it from the mixer and transfer to a vessel
  8. Take a  cloth and cover the top with it so that the freentation starts
  9. Keep the dough for 2 hrs to be fermented
  10. After 2hrs take out the batter and beat it by hand
  11. Make small balls out of the batter
  12. Keep the balls into well oiled trays keep it for another 1hr for fermentation
  13. Preheat the oven to a tempratiure of 150 degree celcius
  14. Load the trays into it and let it bake for 10-15mins
  15. At the time of removing the pav apply oil on the top
  16. And you are done